Real story Two American women give birth at the same time, one gives birth to a baby boy and the other gives birth to a baby girl.
Each claimed to have given birth to a baby boy, after which doctors tested the blood for DNA.
Unfortunately, the results were so close that the doctors were unable to find a solution. However, the matter reached the Muslims, and the Muslims said that if the story had not reached anyone other than them, there would have been no solution. Priest, did you not tell us that the solution to everything is our religion?
So what happened to you .. The doctors went through the story, and the priest said: "It is easy to test the milk droplets of each mother. ( لِلذَّكَرِ مِثْلُ حَظِّ ٱلأُنْثَيْن )""
That the male is the same as the female part ".
The unbelievers were amazed that the energy and nutrition of the milk doubled, so they realized the one who gave birth to the boy.
✳ My God, Everyone Who Reads And Writes #Allahu #Akbar Protects His Body From Hell ...
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