I called her telephone number. Unfortunately, I mistaken for one number, but it happened in front of me. Forget it, then I turned off the phone. Minutes later I got a call from my boyfriend, who said: 'Friend, is your girlfriend's daughter Heblayo, do you know her wedding is going to take place tonight. I laughed, and I took his statement as a joke, but he said Don't worry I will bring you the Wedding Invitation Letter. Surprised, I said, "Hey, Haygala, come soon." But I thought and thought she really loved you, and she refused in front of you that it was worse than what happened to you, maybe that was the reason she sent the letter to your friend.I hurried out of Work, bringing together the Wedding Ceremony, and shortly after I arrived at the Party. Minutes later my phone rang, or was it the Tear girl we had just met. I went outside and I took it. After greetings she said to me: - I wanted to forget what you said. Call me, but I did not forget. . She brought me her speech and said: 'I am at a wedding party, and the wedding is owned by my favorite boy in the world, with whom I went to the library. i. love, and the reason for my tears was that I had lost the One I loved, but I asked You a question, Who are you, since you were talking to me as if someone knew me ?. I told her that she had a need to have the same thing, and that we both understood each other, and we made a decision together, and it seemed that she and I were destined by God, as we are two we are. A man who has failed in his previous love. Two weeks later we planned our wedding venue, with Ahmed and Ayaan who were the couple we attended their party with, but thank God today that girl is my shoulder, she is my love, and she is the only person I am not happy with.
▶️Written by ENG CADAWE